I specialize in supporting

  high-achieving, freedom-seeking, professional women

who are

craving LOVE

to navigate their own self-discovery & deep desires so they can create & attract

secure and juicy relationships.

Tired of being the third wheel. “Chronically” single. Going to weddings & baby showers. Acting like your career is everything when you really want to be creating a life & partnership with someone who gets you. All of You. The Whole You. 



your way into relationships that seem great at first, but ultimately aren’t giving you what you want or need leaving you tired. Or maybe you play well at avoiding relationships because that’s emotionally easier than being vulnerable and disappointed.  

Tired of sliding (not deciding)


You’ve likely been to therapy (congratulations!), know some of your patterns, but you want more growth and transformation! "How to shift. How to be accountable. How to navigate conflict. And attract and maintain ultimate bae?"

You’Re doing “the work”


but that confidence doesn’t always translate with love, you’ve struggled with insecurities and as a result may not be showing up as the best version of yourself while dating.

confident in your career


who’s successfully navigated the corporate ladder and now you’re ready to step into creating a meaningful intimate relationship too (you’re seeing the playbook you used to elevate your career isn’t working in your love life).

a high achiever


successful on paper, single millennial woman, ready to be in an intentional, grown & juicy relationship with an equally amazing partner.

A single, successful millennial woman


My 6-month Signature Secure & Juicy Relationship Program is for you if you're:

An Aligned, Secure, and Juicy Interdependent Relationship

Connecting and Growth

The knowledge & skills to create and maintain a healthy relationship

Empowered Communication: Advocating/Asserting for the Self 

Internal Security. Safety. Calm. Play. Trust. Passion. 

The Program is designed to support woman who wants:

External Partnership. Trust,. Passion. Sexual Chemistry. Adventure. Support.

This program elevates your Self-discovery,
supporting you to magnetize and strategize a more secure and juicy relationship.

Guest experts & events
Get ready for specialized events like spiritual workshops, guests like women’s wellness experts, men’s psych experts and so much more.

*Bonus* 6-month access to private group coaching calls & private mastermind community where you’ll be able to connect & relate with other women, share experiences, learn through sisterhood, and collaborate & support. We are talking Divine Sisterhood: without judgment, competition, or criticism. It’s all love & support.

Personal wellness kit to support your journey (from a customized journal to books to white sage, to yoni eggs).

Online dating profile energetics audit, examples & best practices to highlight YOU.

Customized Energy Blueprint Assessment

On-Demand Learning Center with Training Videos, Worksheets, & more!

12 x 1-on1 Coaching Calls with Jax
Personalized coaching & relational guidance from me. I guide you by the hand (sometimes the collar) in creating your own unique Relationship Blueprint - reflective of your needs, values, AND desires.

The Secure & Juicy Relationship Program includes:

The Secure & Juicy Relationship Program is a 4 part asana taking you from lonely & impatient to connected & trusting.

You will become fluent in what's gone well and what has not gone well in your past relationships. .

  • We discover how your conscious (light) & unconscious (shadow) beliefs and look at what is causing your energy depletion. We assess how your relationship patterns are propelling or preventing your progress

  • We clear your generational patterns while building new aligned patterns (and neuropathways)

  • We work to create mental mastery in your relationship mindset, assessing how your relationship patterns are propelling or preventing your progress, and creating new thoughts shifting how you show up. 

  • We create a supportive and secure dating strategy that will be your guide

Asana 1: Awareness


You envision your desired relationship and the energy from where you want to create your relationships. 

  • We create Emotional Fitness as you work towards awareness, security, and balance with your emotions (you learn how to move through fear, insecurity, exhaustion)

  • Determine your relationship blueprint, the characteristics, values, and energetics that will support you to co-create a secure partnership 

  • Your alignment starts from within, we’ll start to identify the internal of how you want your partner to “be” to create a secure bond. Most people focus on the external, what they want their partner to do.
  • You’ll discover the values that bring you joy

Asana 2: Alignment


You bring yourself into energetic and spiritual harmony with your future vision 

  • We start to assess what coming up within your dating and relationships and turn your obstacles become growth gifts, which become momentum for your life-altering, deep personal growth.

  • We upgrade and rewire your Spiritual Beliefs - the thoughts that guide and inspire you. 

  • We continually work toward becoming the interdependent love you want to create, allowing you to become more confident and magnetic

  • We develop your supportive relationship philosophy, practice nonattachment, and accept that every relationship has a purpose 

Asana 3: Attunement


You will continually embody forwarding aligned (yet imperfect) actions.

  • You’ll create clarity on how you’d like to be open to and create opportunities for connection while supporting your energy.  

  • As we continue to identify your standards and values, you will start to have chances to honor and communicate your boundaries 

  • We’ll create comfort with how to confidently communication and best practices for navigating conflict 

  • You’ll start to gain power practices and insights on action from your Macusline or your Feminine energy

Asana 4: Action

At the center of this work is Joy. This emotion wraps its arms around the entire human experience.  Jacqueline seamlessly models and showcases how to learn, unlearn, relearn, integrate, and transition your beliefs to support you in creating a more deeply connected life. Guaranteed.

Juicy Joy

You’ll learn Jaxcqueline's 4 part Relationship Expansion methodology which was developed by combining her coaching, concepts from top relationship & spiritual experts, and her personal experience of being a single high achieving woman in the 21st century. This is the exact method and shifted her relationship life into alignment… forever!


Jacqueline combined her corporate experience of creating programs with her personal journey to develop The Soulful Expansion & Relationship Blueprint Program, giving you access to an on-demand learning center with videos, worksheets, and a plethora of tools and resources you need to stand out as yourself in the modern dating world.


Jacqueline’s background is first and foremost rooted in her own experience with love, relationships, and spirituality. + her targeted education & certifications. + her extensive research and integration of concepts relating to grief, human psychology, masculine & feminine biology & energetics, dating & relationships, neuroscience, productivity, sacred sexuality & tantra. = she’s a relationship workbook 


What makes this different from the rest:

Working with Jacqueline is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and has been the best investment of my life.
I’m more excited, empowered & on purpose in my life than I’ve ever been. She’s helped me create a more beautiful life.
I actually think she’s a God damn Jedi.

Christy Burke 
BACKGROUND: Medical Device Sales 

“It felt like working with Jacqueline was this 𝒉𝒖𝒈𝒆 permission slip to 𝒃𝒆 myself.”


"When I started working with Jax, I was amazed and how powerful and insightful she was. 
She helped me explore things about myself and relationships that I had never explored myself. 
I learned more about myself than I had ever imagined. 
I walked away from our sessions feeling lighter, feeling empowered and feeling excited - things that I had not felt about dating in years."


Jacqueline is a breath of fresh air! Working with her has been so good for my soul and spirit. I've recently made some life and job transitions and am currently in the process of launching my own business. Fears, insecurities, doubt about past choices I've made....all of these emotions are rearing their ugly little heads, sometimes making it difficult to keep moving forward. Jacqueline has a gentle way of encouraging me to really pause and think about my thoughts and the way I've interpreted past situations - helping me to differentiate between the stories my mind has created and what the actual, capital "T" Truths are. She asks probing questions in such a compassionate way that I find myself with many "ahas!" throughout our calls and am reminded of the power of staying true to my path. I always end our sessions with a greater sense of peace.  Jacqueline truly understands the mind, body, soul connection and actually walks the talk - she coaches with great integrity, compassion and authenticity. I continue to discover new ways of perceiving things every time we talk, and am so grateful for the supportive coaching and love I've received from her!

Jacqueline hears me in a way I have never experienced - regardless the context of our conversation - I walk away with a sense of peace and empowerment. She is powerful. 

BACKGROUND: LA Entertainment SVP to Entrepreneur 

Jax has helped me numerous times to quickly clarify what is important and how to immediately let go of what is not. Her compassion and generous heart is nature herself. Jax is incredibly Giving with her Guidance and Support. She brings forth joy and laughter in the toughest of life situations. She is constantly helping me to flip my perceptions on a dime so that my life moves with increased ease and acceptance. Jax embodies the true nature of the Goddesses. Everyone in community benefits from her help to live in a higher vibration. I am so grateful every time I get to work with Jacqueline!

Jacqueline is remarkable coach, guide and intuitive

Michelle Brown 
BACKGROUND: Entrepreneur & Artist

During our sessions I had the freedom to take what had been pressured inside of me (work, family, personal) - and make sense of it. I’ve had several coaches before - yet with Jacqueline something allowed me to go deeper to unravel some stories I’ve been carrying for decades. The way she navigated conversations propelled me into clarity and have helped me step back into my life and my work with more spark and passion.  I’m not sure what kind of magic she’s working with - but her ability to get me out of my brain and into my heart has truly inspired me to live more presently and more fully.  If you want to feel seen, heard, understood, supported, and inspired to shift - work with Jacqueline. 

Working with Jacqueline was a joy. As a busy woman who has always prioritized my career, I found myself looking forward to my weekly calls and recognize they were one of my most important hours of the week where I would always walk away with more clarity, ease, and confidence.

BACKGROUND: Global VP / San Fransisco  

I worked with Jacqueline for a transformational 12 sessions. When we started, I had recently quit a dead-end job and made a decision to take time off to get clear on my core values, my purpose, and what I wanted for the next stage of my career. Jacqueline listened skillfully and asked provocative questions that guided me to my own true answers. She was compassionate while also being tough in just the way I needed a coach to be in order to move myself forward toward real meaning in my life and career. After working with Jacqueline, I landed the job of my dreams. In fact I was for the first time I was in a position where I chose between 2 roles and name my value. The deep work I did with her set me up to seek and then land a big win, and it empowered me to step into leadership in a way that is far beyond what I had thought myself to be capable of.  

She also has a great sense of humor and inspiring joie de vivre:-) Hire her.

Working with her was a wonderful experience. Her kind heart, sharp mind and open spirit were exactly what I needed in a coach.

BACKGROUND: Ivy League Educated / Baby Boomer

That shift of frequency when she walks in the room, secret. That was what I was after. That was the type of woman I wanted to be. When I reached out to Jacqueline, I was heartbroken, straight out of a failed relationship, struggling in my career, uneasy in my own skin and sitting in my own shit, feeling sorry for myself. Why me? I wrote Jacqueline from a place of desperation and was willing to do whatever she asked me to do. I won’t lie to you. Weeding through one’s own crap is hard. Doing the steps is hard. Doing the work is hard. But, the woman I am today, is so utterly grateful.  Jacqueline created the space to put my needs first. She gave me the ability to realize that I could also put myself first, which is helping me become the woman I want to be. She gave me life-altering tools and helps me break down situations to respond in a manner that is aligned with my true self. She is my cheerleader, my coach and a huge influence in my life. She believed in me, when I could barely make it through my day. I am forever grateful. 

Jacqueline is a lifesaver. I reached out to her when I was in search of that secret to life. The secret that gives Jacqueline the glow that radiates in every one of her photos.

BACKGROUND: Millennial FInance & Accounting Dog Mom 

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships. Isn't it time you expanded your relationship skills and connection!

Let's magnetize and strategize your dating and relationship life to create a more secure and juicy life in 2024!

invest in your free call

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free tools

This guided unlocks the 5 most common dating & relationship hangups, the converse solutions, and actions to take to strategize & magnetize a new relationship paradigm.